In August of 2022, the City of Sterling and Gorman & Company entered into a Master Development Agreement to redevelop the Lawrence Brothers and Stanley-National properties. This is an all-inclusive redevelopment plan that will integrate with the city’s ongoing riverfront efforts.
Over the following six months, Gorman & Company along with Studio GWA will produce a Master Plan for the City’s consideration. This plan will include a description of what they’re proposing for development: from building uses, phasing of the project, cost estimates, and much more. The community’s input is a crucial part of creating an authentic Master Plan.
Two events were recently held wherein the public was invited to tour the Stanley-National building and share their thoughts on the vision for the property. Additional opportunities for discussion of that vision are being planned.
In addition to the Master Plan, there are a lot of other riverfront-related projects you can expect to see in the coming months:
- Construction on Wallace Street
- Aesthetic improvements to building exteriors
- 3D photo scans of the building
- Hazardous materials survey
- Coordination with local business owners
- And much more!
The City of Sterling has also appointment a new Riverfront Commission of local citizens which has begun meeting regularly. This commission is tasked with prioritizing improvements to the greenspace currently available on the Riverfront site. While much of the work to be done in the immediate future are the not-so-glamorous items such as roughing in utilities for lighting, security and future plumbing needs, it is a crucial first step to creating a fun, safe and vibrant space for activities for all ages.
A website is under construction for following the process.
Join us in partnership as we venture upon a journey…Together, a Riverfront Reimagined.
Click here to hear more about the Riverfront Reimagined project from Studio GWA.